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First Stop / Beginning Kick-off:  Ile des Chénes, Manitoba

Second stop: Stonewall.
When leaving Ile des Chénes take HWY 59 north to north Perimeter.  Proceeded to west Perimeter and HWY 6. Take Hwy 236 north. Stop at Cravings on 67 Restaurant.  75Km  

Third stop:  Main Street, Winnipeg Beach.
When leaving Stonewall continue on HWY 236 to Balmoral turn right at HWY 236 to HWY 7. Turn left at HWY 7 and continue north to Komarno.   At Komarno turn right on HWY 229 and continue to Winnipeg Beach. 67Km

Last Stop: Ile des Chénes.
From Winnipeg Beach continue south on HWY 9 to HWY 4. Continue on HWY 4 to HWY 59.      At HWY 59 turn right and continue south to the North Perimeter take HWY 101 (east Perimeter) to Hwy 59 south back to Ile des Chénes. 118Km.

Total Kilometers 260

Be back for 4:00 pm WINNERS ANNOUNCED AT 5PM 
Times for Poker Run stations will be announced soon. ​

2025 Ride Route