“The road to better health is paved with clinical research. It’s behind every pill, vaccine, diagnostic image, surgical procedure and medical treatment. Clinical research contributes to health care that’s based on real evidence, and it’s fundamental to keep improving our health care system.” Pamela Normandin, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Office of Research, Iowa Lutheran Hospital.
THANKS TO DONORS LIKE YOU, the Breast Cancer Pledge Ride has supported projects at CancerCare Manitoba Foundation making a difference in the lives of patients across our province. These projects include:
Clinical Trials at CancerCare Manitoba. A clinical trial is research involving people. The knowledge gained at a clinical trial benefits Manitobans by: enhancing patient care; provide early access to new cancer therapies and make new drugs available that are not yet commercially available, or make available some newer commercially available drugs whose cost is not yet covered.
Website designed by 1Earth Web Creations. Copyright 2020. Breast Cancer Pledge Ride. All rights reserved.
A Consultation Recording Service that allows patients to take home a recording of the conversation they had with their health care team.
The purchase of a Molecular Imager ChemiDoc XRS System for researchers at CancerCare. It uses a supersensitive camera, for viewing molecules within cells. It allows scientists to look closer at breast cancer tumours identifying specific proteins and genetic material.
Research projects such as understanding and exploiting tumour interactions. Dr. Michael Mowat studies how anticancer drugs affect both normal and tumour cells, resulting in adverse side effects. Another project is breast abnormality detection in remote communities.
Your efforts also made a direct impact by supporting CancerCare Manitoba’s Breast & Gyne Cancer Centre of Hope (a resource centre); the Breast Check Screening Program, the Guardian Angel Caring Room wig program and patient education material.
Funds supported upgrades to the mobile mammography units in addition to the purchase in 2010 of a new cargo van to transport the mobile mammography units across the province. This program enables more women access to breast cancer screening.
We are proud to say all funds raised stay in Manitoba at CancerCare Manitoba Foundation.
Your donation today helps provide advancements in prevention, research, clinical trials and patient care.